Sydney IVF (Genea)
ZILOS-tk® to Go!
To meet the needs of would-be parents who cannot make the trip to Sydney, Dr. Kylie de Boer and Steven McArthur came up with a unique solution; they took their pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) program on the road. They travel to five satellite centers and several other clinics throughout Australia. The laptop ZILOS-tk® makes this possible. As Dr. de Boer points out, “the ZILOS-tk® laser has allowed Sydney IVF to expand the availability of blastocyst biopsy to other laboratories in Australia and around the world.”
Sydney IVF’s PGD program provides families with known genetic abnormalities the chance to use assisted conception procedures while ensuring they have normal healthy children. The program tests for aneuploidy, translocation testing, recessive gene disorders, and sex of the embryo.
De Boer and McArthur attribute much of the success of their program (98% of all embryos biopsies are successfully diagnosed) to the ZILOS-tk. de Boer says,
“the precision of the ZILOS-tk® allowed Sydney IVF to move to day 5 trophectoderm biopsy, as the routine biopsy procedure. We are the only laboratory in the world able to make this claim.”
Dr. Kylie de Boer, Ph.D.
PGD Director, Deputy Director of Embryology

Mr. Steven McArthur, PGD Senior Scientist
Sydney IVF, Sydney Australia
The day 5 biopsy is critical because embryos at the fifth day of development are most likely to survive and implant, giving a better chance of pregnancy.
While there were several reasons behind Sydney IVF’s decision to purchase the ZILOS-tk, chief among them was the unmatched portablility of the ZILOS-tk. Says McArthur, “The ZILOS-tk® is very portable, easy to install and use, and is compatible with all inverted microscopes.”
Dr. de Boer and McArthur have high praise for the laptop ZILOS-tk® and Hamilton Thorne because, “Hamilton Thorne is a progressive company and considers the input of the end user of their products. We have found that Hamilton Thorne supports us in our pursuit of excellence.”